Taking the time to record your restoration is a great idea, it is so easy to forget how bad things were. They also they build into a valuable resource and marvellous story as time goes by.
Friday 14th July 2023
Hard to believe the change
I do love a before-and-after set of photos, even better if they are side by side.
"I'm sure you have seen many, but here are a few pics of my efforts.
It is credit to the quality of your product and your instructions that a total novice to trimming like me, can achieve results like this.
Very happy.
Colin has brought his seats back to a really high standard. I will take some credit for the complete seat kit which is a great base for restoring a pair of seats. It still requires patience and attention to detail to get the most out of the kit. That's clearly what Colin has done, getting the smooth grain vinyl to lie beautifully, the straight piping, the dip at the front of the cushion flutes. I'm really impressed!
The before restoration frames
Colins seats are 'Low back recliner removable headrest' which are the last version fitted to the Spitfire and GT6. The bare frame photos are of the right hand seat. You can tell this on the seatback by the position of the recliner handle stub and the kink in the tube on the opposite side that leans over the tunnel. The cushion basket is wider vertically on the door side, the slim side sits over the tunnel.
Raised headrest position
The headrest is supposed to be adjustable and removeable, but the mechanism is normally rusted, jamming the headrest in one postion. After restoration the headrest tends to slide all the way down to sit on the seat back cover. If you want it to sit higher then maybe you could make some measurements before stripping down. Then you would need to work out a way to put a permanent stop on the frame so that it doesn't slide down to far... I've not worked how to do that out yet, so feel free to pass on your suggestions.
Like what you see?
Click below for the complete seat kit that Colin used - he opted for the Smooth Grain ASF